hood factors listed in the beginning not work on all per- sons experiencing them?
My reply to this is that some men are heretitarily and glandularly destined to be fat or thin, tall or short blond or brunette. Some are born with a higher intelli- gence potential than others. On top of these hereditary predispositions there are the effects that environmental influences have on a boy growing up But now some males will be born with different psychological potentialities as well as different physical ones Some will be more sensitive, artistic, perceptive--I cant find any really good words for what I have in mind These are the ones who will be able to perceive even subconsciously the val- ues gained in some sort of identification with the femin- ine (non-sexual) If one of this type is punished by being made to wear dresses or is much made over by a dot- ing mother who wishes he had been a girl, the experience will doubtless "key" into this particular type of psycho- logical potentiality and a TV is made
On the other hand there are many other males who are definitely NOT artistically bent or sensitive and percep- tive by nature. They just do not have the fertile ground for a transvestic experience to grow into an appreciation for TVism. They just live through it, past it and for get it--that is the end of it This difference in psycho- logical potential is, to my mind, what is involved when Dr Benjamin and others say there is an or anic or congen- ital cause involved Except in special cases I do not think it is due to any mixup of the sexual sense nor of glandular characteristics as some have suggested. I be- lieve it is fundementally supported by the five motiva- tions previously discussed, initiated by some experience that allows a person of the type described to discover the basic satisfactions involved in fulfilling one or more of the five motivations. The whole thing is therefore a social phenomenon that comes into being in individuals of a certain psychological type by virtue of any of several revealing experiences. It should therefore, be studied as a problem in sociology as well as psychology.